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Serves: 6
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Total time:  1 hour

This is traditionally eaten around Epiphany in France, where you can get it in all bakeries. A small porcelaine figure (the 'fève') is placed in the frangipane and the person who gets it becomes king and wears a paper crown


  • 1 pound puff pastry

    4 ounces ground almonds
    4 ounces icing sugar
    4 ounces butter at room temperature
    4 large eggs
    2 oz flour
    1 tablespoon dark rum
    1/4 cup slivered almonds

    1 fève (optional)


  • For the filling: Combine the ground almonds, sugar and butter until smooth.
    Add three of the eggs, flour and rum: mix until combined.
    Stir in slivered almonds.
    Preheat oven 375°F (190°C).

    To assemble, divide the dough into two equal parts.
    Roll out one part to form a 10 inch circle and place on a baking sheet.
    Spread the filling on the pastry leaving a rim, about half an inch wide, all the way around. Put in a porcelaine figure (feve) if you have one. Brush the rim with egg.
    Roll out the rest of the dough to form a 9 inch circle. Place on top of the filling.
    Pinch together the pastry at the edges, making sure that it is well sealed. Brush the top with the remaining egg. Make a few slits in the center of the pastry.
    Bake in preheated oven for about 30 minutes.
    Serve warm.
    main ingredients: type of recipe:
    Warning: Undefined variable $cattype in /home/chefde5/public_html/recipe/tags.php on line 54
    cake  cuisine: France   specific recipes: Chef-recipe  
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